Thursday, March 21, 2013

Reflections from the Conclave and Election of Pope Francis

In St. Peter's after the Mass for
the opening of the conclave.

            After days of waiting for all of the 115 elector cardinals to arrive in the Eternal City, they finally came together and agreed that the conclave to elect the next pope would begin on Tuesday, March 12, 2013.  On that morning when the conclave was to begin there was a Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica to pray for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the Cardinals that they might elect the man who was already known to God to lead His Church.  The “day of pageantry” as it was dubbed by one news outlet was truly special and something to behold.  To an outsider it may just look like any other organization pulling out the fine decorations and clothing for a nice event, but for me as a Catholic seminarian on the verge of being ordained a priest (God willing) it was much, much more!  This was the most powerful men in the Church processing to the altar of God to implore his mercy, grace, wisdom and knowledge so that they might choose the man that would please Him.  The Mass for the opening of the Conclave shows how much the Cardinals realize that they can do nothing good on their own.  Rather, they must rely on God for everything if they are to live in accord with His will.  What a great lesson this is for all of us.
The Papal Liturgist removing everyone who isn't a voting cardinal from
the chapel (with the words extra omnes) and locking the doors.
            That afternoon the cardinals went through the rules of the conclave and after each one approached the altar and swore his promise to abide by the rules, everyone but the 115 voting cardinals were removed from the Sistine Chapel and the voting began.  The first day there was only one vote and the smoke was to go up around 7pm.  A pope being elected on the first day is virtually impossible.  However, I went down to the square to witness the smoke, even if it was going to be black because this was a great moment in history.  As we all expected, the smoke was black, the cardinals did not elect a new pope on the first vote.  As the smoke began coming out the whole square gasped and awed until it was clear that the smoke was black.  We returned to the College ready for another day of suspense and excitement.
            The next morning (Wednesday, March 13, 2013) I was scheduled to give the presentation for my seminar.  Due to a wise seminarian and a very understanding professor, we moved the location of our seminar from the university (a 35 minute walk from St. Peter’s) to our College (a 5 minute walk or 2 minute fun run from St. Peter’s).  Some of the guys in the class had their computers and were watching online for early smoke signaling a new pope.  The early smoke never came and with the 11:45am ballot burning, black smoke was once again released into the Roman sky.  We were relieved and could rest our minds and hearts for a couple of hours until the next potential release of smoke.
            This next chance for smoke would be around 5:30pm and would only happen if a pope was elected on the 1st ballot of the afternoon voting session.  Due to the circumstances, the College changed the daily house schedule to accommodate our desire to be in the square at key times.  One way the schedule changed was that the 5:45pm holy hour was moved to 5:15pm and Evening Prayer was moved to 6:15pm.  This would have EP ending at 6:30pm, which would give the students plenty of time to get down to the square for the 7:00pm release of smoke.  As I sat in the chapel for the 5:15 holy hour the thought ran through my mind several times that a 5:30pm early release of smoke would mean I would miss it and have to run to the square late.  I was somewhat anxious, but I was comforted thinking, “This is where I need to be”.  Praying for the cardinals took on a whole new meaning as I thought about them at that very moment in the Sistine Chapel placing their votes.  Where else could I do a better service to them, to the Church and to God at that moment than on my knees in front of our Eucharistic Lord?  I would be lying if I said I was completely calm the whole hour I was praying.  Several times when I heard the door open I waited to see if someone would say that they had released smoke and that we needed to get down to the square.  As it turns out, God rewards those who are faithful to Him…5:30pm came and went and no smoke reared its head from the chimney in the square.
            At 6:15pm we had community evening prayer.  For several days before up to that very night, we had been praying a special prayer for the election of a pope together as a community just before evening prayer.  In the minutes before we began, the lector for that day went up to the ambo and 250+ priests, deacons and seminarians got on their knees to ask God for his guidance of the cardinals.    After this, we prayed EP (In a homily today (March 15, 2015) it was pointed out that it could have been at the precise moment that we were praying evening prayer that the cardinals were electing the new pope…powerful) and when it was over, the entire College joined much of Rome in heading down to St. Peter’s Square.  The only way to describe what happened after EP is to say that it was like a sports dressing room…let me explain.  We have a long narrow room outside of the chapel where guys will leave things if they are going out after prayer.  There were literally about 100 guys going in their putting on coats, grabbing cameras and umbrellas and getting ready to go.
After I got my jacket and cameras and swam through the people I made my way out of the College with some of my friends.  I made a comment about needing to go to the bathroom, but figured I would be back in a few minutes and I didn’t want to be late, so we left.  As we approached the square the line was pretty long and they were ushering people through security.  There is no pope and the cardinals are all in one place…not sure why they were doing this.  We joked saying maybe they knew something we didn’t.  We quickly made our way through “security” and into the square.  Once in the square we got to where we could see one of the TV screens since the chimney is pretty hard to see at night.  I was satisfied with our position, but the guys I was with wanted to move into a better position.  Since they led the way, I agreed to follow.  We moved closer to the center of the basilica and further up in the square and ended up next to one of the religious sisters who teaches us at the university.  We chatted for a while as it was still about 10 minutes before 7:00pm.

WHITE SMOKE coming from the chimney!
I had my back turned to the screen when I heard the collective gasp of the crowd alerting me that the smoke had begun.  I finished my conversation then turned around expecting to see black smoke.  It was grey at first and then with the noise in the square getting greater with every passing second, it quickly became apparent that it was in fact WHITE SMOKE!  I still can’t put into words what seeing that smoke made me feel.  I couldn’t believe it.  I didn’t want to act like a fool only to find out that it was black.  I denied it saying over and over again, “no, no, no way, no.”  Then one of the guys in our group said what I was waiting for, “the bells are going.”  This was it.  The cardinals had done their job and elected a new Roman Pontiff, a new leader of the Catholic Church.  I continued saying “no,” what by know was the only word it seems I knew, more in disbelief that I was in the square witnessing history than because I actually thought the smoke was black.  How could this be?  Why is God so good to me?  How had the cardinals elected a pope in the 5th vote when going into the conclave there was no clear frontrunner?  I was already planning to miss class on Thursday and Friday because I wanted to be in the square for the white smoke, yet here it was and there I was, witnessing history with hundreds of thousands from around the world and with some of my closest friends from the NAC.
"The bells are going!"
We quickly ran up closer to the basilica with the rest of the crowd and we all crammed in.  It had been a rainy night in Rome, but when the smoke bellowed out of the chimney and those big beautiful bells on the left side of the façade of St. Peter’s began announcing to the world that a pope had been elected, the skies closed up and it turned into a beautiful Roman night!  We squished and crammed our way as close as we could with about 300,000 of our closest friends and awaited the announcement and appearance of our new pope.  We happened to meet up with a reporter for Vatican Radio and she asked our thoughts on when, what name, etc. before the smoke.  She managed to stay with us as we moved up and continued to ask us our feelings.  I feel like my answers sounded much like me moving my finger across my lips like a little kid because I couldn’t get any words out.
What ensued was absolutely amazing (because it hadn’t been up to this point right?).  Several bands dressed in their regalia began marching out into the front part of the square: the Swiss Guard Band (glad to have a new pope and a job again), the Carabinieri Band, and a few others.  Lights began coming on in windows on the façade of St. Peter’s and about 1 hour after the smoke first began, we were ready to welcome our new father.  First, the cardinal came out for the famous announcement.  Annuntio vobis gaudium magnum, HABEMUS PAPAM!  I announce to you a great joy, we have a pope!  (  Then he proceeded to say that they elected George…we looked at each other thinking, “Cardinal George?”…then came his last name Cardinal Bergoglio…we all looked at each other and asked, “Who?”.  One of my friends had seen his name just that morning on a possible candidates list and so he told us he was an Argentinean Cardinal.  We cheered and waited for him to make his first appearance.
As the curtains began to move the crowd let out short scattered cheers, but when they parted and the pope began to come out, led by the Crucifix, the entire square and beyond let up a great roar.  After the cheers went on for a while the new Vicar of Christ greeted his flock for the first time.  He stood there stiff, looking uncomfortable and unsure and we wondered if he was going to faint.  We all looked at each other as if to ask, what’s going on, what’s happened.  Then he began, “brothers and sisters…good evening.”  ( As he said “good evening” a grin appeared on his face and he immediately won the hearts of many of us in that square and around the world.  My friend recounted the experience by saying that we were standing there watching, asking for him just to give us one little sign of his affection and we would love him and he did just that with “good evening.”  They were simple words from a simple man, and that was all it took.  He then asked that we join him in prayer for Benedict XVI, bishop emeritus of Rome, who had guided the Church for 8 years before him.  He led us in the Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be for Benedict.  For us who have such a great love for Benedict, this was an amazingly comforting gesture and really helped to show just how humble Pope Francis really is.  After that he asked that before he gave his first Apostolic Blessing, that we pray that God would bless him.  He bowed down and 300,000+ were dead silent for a few moments.  I don’t know if I’ve ever prayed that hard in my life, asking the Holy Spirit, who had led the cardinals to elected Pope Francis, to flood him with his presence so that he might lead the Church of Christ well.
"The Church is young, and She is alive!"
Aside from the birth of my nieces and nephew, I don’t know that I have ever fallen in love with someone as quickly as did with Pope Francis.  He radiates the simplicity that he preaches.  With two simple words it seems as though he won my heart, “buona serra” (good evening).  His humility in praying for Benedict and in asking us to pray for him had a major impact on me.  After that night in the square, I now know what people mean when they say that the atmosphere was electric, or that the joy was palpable.  I still cannot explain the emotions I experience that night.  I also cannot adequately describe the sense of joy and love I had seeing that white smoke rise and being surrounded by thousands and thousands of people who braved what began as a nasty Roman night to see an old man dressed in white walk out on to a balcony.  The words of Benedict XVI at his last audience echoed in my mind as I stood in that square, “The Church is young and She is alive!”

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